********NOTE: I can provide actual emails from him, with the headers, for anyone who wants them to prove I am not making any of this up... ************
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Updating the MORON thread... from April of 2008 forward
Current mood: amused
So, after scanning the MORON's mailed Polaroids, and dealing with his incessant questions, he then thinks I am his friend. He sends me this email:
Subject: Question?
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 00:47:04 -0400
From: cerlists@webtv.net (Chris Richardson)
To: ghostess@howloweenqueen.com
Do you think you can request Overlord from Halloween-L board, and also,
Larry from HalloweenForum.com to see if they can unban me?
To which I reply:
Ghostess Deanna
So he sends this back:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Ok, I see.
Just asking.... why can't you do it for me as a favor? why can't you
help me out?
And my reply:
Just because I helped you out with a new banner and with your pictures, and I haven't kicked you off of my forum, does not mean I want to be your friend. You were banned from those forums for a reason, and you will not be unbanned. You broke the rules SEVERAL times on those two forums, under several different user names. I will not ask them to let you back, so don't bother asking me again.
Ghostess Deanna
And he said:
Chris Richardson wrote:
> Ok, I do understand. Thanks for letting me know. So, I have to go back
> to sleep.
So, on my Florida Haunters forum, he asked about banners, and I (like a fool) made him one, and offered to make banners for anyone else who wanted a simple one. See thread here:
So, then he decides to post on Halloween.com's forum that I'm making free banners for everyone and emails me about it:
Hi Deanna!
I already made your post there on Halloween.com board and you will see
the thread I've made in Off-Topic section. It was all about photos,
banners, and avatars that anyone who cannot be able to add or upload
online. ;-)
I did not respond via email, but rather on the forum:
Then more emails about his pics:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Good afternoon, Deanna!
Are you sending my pics back to me today? Tomorrow? Just take your time
and I don't want to rush you. ;-)
And, I hope I will take more pics in May.
I put them in the mail today.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
I promise you that I will get more pics all of my haunt props! I know
you will love to see them!
And now he's getting really annoying (big surprise there, eh?)
Chris Richardson wrote:
What do you think if I can post to help other Florida Haunters with
their avatars, even if they are out of states as well too?
You mean on the FLorida Haunters forum? They already know I will help them on my site, I'm the admin, it's my job.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
Yes, correct.
Ok, if you want to post it yourself, then that;s cool! Thanks a lot!
Chris Richardson wrote:
Are you still working with your project for this Halloween? If so, what
are you planning to do?
I am always doing something new each year. I'm currently not working on anything though, other than computer stuff and organizing. I think I might start some experiments with white Styrofoam soon though, before the tombstone workshop.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
Ok, what are your planning for tombstones? And, are you going to make
some life-size props such as corpse, skeleton, witch, etc?
I guess I sent him a link with my tombstones, because he sent me this email:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Hey I like your tombstones!! They're awesome!! I only have one tombstone
just as exactly with your color gray. It says R.I.P. and I will take a
pic of it later on.
Then there's this gem to which I did not respond:
Chris Richardson wrote:
When you see my pic of me, can you tell me who do I look like? For
example, do I look like anyone from the horror movie? Or, do I look like
one of the celebrities?
Some people say I looked like Edward Norton, some say I looked like Luke
Perry. Well, it's hard to tell myself who I look alike...
On May 1st, I was surfing the forums, and I noticed this thread on HauntWorld's forum:
And the fact that he posted it on MY forum:
So I sent him a nice email:
Subject: Strike One
You have been warned over and over again about posting other people's stuff. This includes other people's posts from other forums. Your post on the Florida Haunters Forum about the waterfall prop is a STOLEN post from the Haunt World Haunted House Forums. This is your first strike on my forum. 2 more strikes and you will be banned and you will NOT be allowed back.
The post on ghosts will be deleted today as well. I told you I do not want posts that are not YOURS from other forums showing up on my forum.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
Ok, thanks for sending me a warning. Ok, I do understand about ghosts
post that you will delete. And also, fyi, I didn't mean to steal another
post about waterfall because I was making a little something different
myself to create skull catacombs waterfall.
Then I noticed he copied and pasted another thread from another forum (I think the Haunted Chicago forum) on to Halloween.com:
And I pointed it out, on the forum, along with a couple of other things... which led to this email:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Would you please take it easy yourself please? I only wanted to post
about the skull catacombs waterfall for myself this year or not... I am
trying to learn how to do it, BUT didn't mean to steal other people's
idea, ok?
And also, About the post of losing TW pics - It's only April's Fool Day!
I guess they didn't get it, right? Please calm down!
I've told you over and over again to STOP POSTING OTHER PEOPLE'S STUFF. This includes copy and paste posts from other forums. The people you are stealing the posts from do NOT like it.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
Alright! No problem!
May 2, A Thank you from him:
Hi Deanna,
I got my pics back from you today in the mail. It was all good, and
thank you very much!
Then because I pointed out several of his stolen posts on Halloween.com's forum, I got banned. Can you believe that? I've never been banned from anything before in my life! All for trying to stop this loser from posting fraudulently. I only found out I was banned because I tried to log in and got the "You've been banned" message. So I sent Chris Riley, the owner of Halloween.com, an email expressing my disgust:
On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Ghostess Deanna
.. wrote:
> Chris,
> So Chris Richardson, KNOWN liar and bully, gets to post whatever he wants to
> on your forum, and you turn a blind eye to him- but the actual honest and
> REAL material contributing members of your forum get banned when they call
> him on his bullcrap? Why? Just because he posts non-stop gibberish? Just
> so you can have SOMEONE posting on the forum? I do not understand your
> logic when dealing with this idiot. You've lost more GOOD members because
> of your siding with him and letting him slide time after time.
> If you had just banned him permanently, this would not have happened. How
> many times does he get to get away with the same thing over and over again?
> How many chances does he get? I do not think I will be coming back. Good
> luck with the forum.
> Deanna Griffith
And his bullshit reply:
I banned both people, it has nothing to do with having someone post.
I don't need arguing and stuff like that on there. It is supposed to
be Halloween related, not vendetta related. When two people are
arguing publicly, continually and repeatedly go at each other it is a
negative for the board.
That is your choice, I am just over drama between you two.
If you two have problems take it somewhere else.
I know I replied to that, but I think I lost it when I had to reinstall Thunderbird. I'm sure it was tactful... lol I was pissed.
Anyway, then he posted on my forum, a porn link - thus receiving strike two:
So he posted this thread on my forum, and I replied in kind:
And he did EXACTLY as I told him not to do, he posted that damned Ghost in Romania thread and earned his third strike:
After which I sent him this mail as I banned him from the forum:
Subject: BANNED from Florida Haunters
Ghostess ..
Fri, 02 May 2008 15:46:45 -0400
Chris AKA HauntMaster,
You have officially been BANNED from the Florida Haunters Forum for posting content that was taken from other forums and plagiarizing it onto this forum and posting pornographic related material. You will NOT be allowed back, and your IP address and all of your assorted emails are officially banned.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ghostess Deanna
That felt good. :) Of course he replied:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Ok, I do understand. Thank you for letting me know and I truly do
apologize for all things that I've done causing the problems on your
board because I was kind of getting little piss-off myself when you came
over my threads anywhere on forums, but I am ok now... What I did
something on your board that time when I was so drunk, posting some
crappy posts on board. Ok, I understand that you will not let me back
again at all.
BTW, Chris aka HalloweenCom decided to make me stay off his board for
while because the arguement was between me and you, so he's tired of
hearing it all the time. He wanted to keep his board friendly, no
flaming, no arguing, no fighting, etc. Well, we need to calm down and be
cool please.
I am always calm. Have I once cussed at you? Have I once threatened you with violence? NO. I don't have to do that kind of stupid crap to get my point across. You keep on posting your stolen posts, I will keep busting you.
And Chris AKA Halloweencom banned me also until May 10, but I will not go back to a forum that is run the way he runs his. He just lets you do whatever you want, and he keeps losing actual GOOD members that post GOOD posts and not the trash that you keep posting. He keeps losing GOOD members because of YOU, Chris. He will have one less to deal with, because I will not stand for that kind of treatment.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
Chris aka HC banned you already?? Can't be... if he did do so, then he
will email to let me know. Anyway, never mind about it - I believe he
will talk to me tonight.
And, YES, I heard somebody spread the word out there on some boards to
warn other members, for any reason, do not attempt to join that
Halloween.com Forums site because of ME! Honesty, I really don't care if
they want to spread more and more all around the forums.
So, anyways, I didn't insult you, didn't threaten you since, like what 2
weeks from now, right? That's why I kept drinking until I am getting
cool off. I am doing fine so far. I know many, many people are in so
hopeful to see me OFF all halloween and haunt boards. Let them say what
they wish. I guess good luck for them.
So the next day, that douchebag has the nerve to ask me for a favor:
Chris Richardson wrote:
If I find a best avatar, and do you think you can add it to my
Photobucket? If not, then I will understand.
I did not respond.
A couple of days later, I get this email:
Subject: Just FYI
5/5/2008 7:28 AM
Hi Deanna?
I do understand that you will never come back to Halloween.com Forums
anymore, maybe some of these days you will change your mind... It is
all up to you.
Anyway, HalloweenCom's getting tired of both me and you always fight
each other on his own board, and also, I think it was really funny when
he once told me that YOU always point out any of my posts just like you
are HIS first grade teacher - SO he's getting fucking sick of it! Please
don't let it happen again, ok? Can you get along and being friendly with
us once more?
First of all, we do not ALWAYS fight on his board. You post garbage, I point it out. This is the first time I've ever actually complained ON the board and traded words with you over it ON the board.
He doesn't have to worry about me ever doing it again, because I could care less about his board any more. I tried to be a good contributing member and help his board and the members there, but he has shown me that all he cares about his having you and your stupid nonsense there rather than actual USEFUL people. I will NEVER tell anyone to go to that board again, I will ALWAYS warn people about YOU and I just don't care what he or anyone else thinks.
You and Hcom apparently don't realize just how many people know and TRUST me and my word.
I hope you and he and happy together, because it won't be long before you two are the only members left of that board with the way he runs it.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
I understand that you always complain about the garbage post I took from
other people, and some posts that I've changed a little different
bit....I understand you tried to help to keep someone's own Halloween
board clean, right? Please think twice and come back to Halloween.com
when you have a chance, but if not, then I will understand
Later that day, he forwards me an email from Pete AKA ScreamHaunt:
Chris Richardson wrote:
Did you show everything to Pete? If so, thanks a lot!!!
Re: HN Board
Mon, 5 May 2008 05:02:51 EDT
Hey bud,
I wouldn't worry about it now, I'm going to launch it, I promise YOU'LL be the FIRST person I tell.
I hear that you ARE a Haunter!
Seems like a TRUE Haunter recognizes you. Ghostess!
That's AWESOME. Keep on her good side, she's a great Haunter.
All you have to do is built, display and talk about Haunting.
For her to recognize you is a GREAT achievement..... I was very proud to hear that.
Talk soon,
Pete and I are friends, he knows everything about you.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
I didn't know he is your friend. ;-)
I remember long time ago, he and I used to fight over everything on
halloween boards since, like 2 years.... BUT we're cool! I can't believe
he has 3 jobs!!! Damn!
I can't believe this douche still thnks I'm his FRIEND! What a moron. Anyway... moving along... he's constantly bombarding me with bullshit emails this same day:
Subject: More pics coming soon!
5/5/2008 2:40 PM
Chris Richardson wrote: I am going to grab everything out and take more pics, I hope this week
and send them to you, so you can upload anytime. I mean, too many stuffs
I have here, is that ok with you?
That's fine.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
I have evil pumpkin head prop, Michael Myers life-size prop stand-up,
hanging ghost, Grim Reaper with flashing eyes, etc... More tombstones
here... One problem is I do have spider web that I won't take pic at
this time because October is not here ha ha... I will take a pic of it
when I put up on my house before Halloween. Ohh, yeah! I have severed
hand, feet (fake blood) props if that is ok?
Subject: A question
5/5/2008 7:35 PM
Chris Richardson wrote:
I'm so sorry I'm not so sure if it is ok for me to take pics of fake
blood props? I don't know if you are allowed to do so.
Dude, take whatever pictures you want to take. As long as they are of YOUR
props, I don't care.
Ghostess Deanna
Chris Richardson wrote:
OK, I understand. Just asking, that's all. Just to make sure. Thanks!
Subject: No subject
5/5/2008 11:58 PM
Chris Richardson wrote:
I am very happy if you can spread all of my photos and words from me
everywhere on the boards, so I will give you the best in return!
And this is where this update stops. The next update will be in another blog. :)
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