Sunday, May 24, 2009

MORON Thread, Part 5

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And yet more news from the moronic......
Current mood: amused
So, I've been slacking when it comes to the moron from my previous rants and blogs. Here's the latest...... He's sent a few more emails, some of them from other accounts - like I don't know it's him:

From: (WebMaster)
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 23:05:30 -0500
Subject: Question


I really don't know you, but you posted ad on forum site.
You also posted an email to send you and ask you something about that
guy by the user name is Ghostman. What's the matter with him?



Do you not have anything better to do than create fake emails and crap again? Or have you gotten kicked off of more forums and you have nobody else to type to? Why don't you just go play on your freak forum or take an English class?

Ghostess Deanna


Then he tried to register my username and email address at a few places like the IHATECLOWNS forum, Zombie's Underworld forums, craigslist, and Horrorfind's Horrorfied listings. Then more emails:

Chris Richardson wrote:
> Didn' you cause any trouble with me??? Did someone tell you to destory
> me? Did someone pay you to do anything what they like you to do
> something to me?
> OK, anyway, someone told me that I've threatened you as a wrong person,
> then can you please tell me who was that person???? I ain't play that
> fucking game!!!



First of all, your email makes no sense. Second, I haven't even thought about you in a few weeks now because unlike you, I have a LIFE. Maybe you should get a life too.

Ghostess Deanna


Chris Richardson wrote:
> Ok, I do understand. So, are we going to walk away peacefully? If that
> is so, then we can go away quietly. Yes, get a life. Like, you mind your
> own business, I mind mine own. I guess that's all for now and thank you
> for telling me.
> Have a nice day!


Oh, you can rest assured that I will still be watching you. There are many of us watching you. Every time I catch you in a lie, I will point it out.

And by the way, I suggest you stop playing games with my emails and user name on the other forums and lists. I've reported you to the lists that you decided to sign me up on without my consent. Everyone knows about you, Chris.

Have a nice day.


Chris Richardson wrote:
> Yes, I know that there are somebody are watchin all over me almost
> everyday, and they will never stop watching me... jeez... I don't
> understand why. And you ,too... you still watching me no matter what?? I
> know people will never give up on watching me, why can't they???
> BTW, honesty, I didn't signup your emails on to other forums. I swear!


Whatever, Chris. Your IP address is logged everywhere you go on the internet.

People watch you because you keep lying and stealing their photos. You keep threatening people and trying to cause trouble and drama because you do not have a real life, so you have to create something to look forward to on the internet. I know all about people like you Chris. You can't help it, it's in your psyche. You're a sociopath.

Ghostess Deanna


>Ok, fine.... if I didn't do any more mistakes in my life, then people
>will stop watching me, correct?
>BTW, I better go now uz I have busines to do. Take care yourself!


Then he sends me a couple more emails, to which I did not respond. That drives him insane(r).


Are you doing ok with me? Didn't you see anything wrong with me with all
other haunt boards? Didn't you see me steal other people photos or posts
at all, or what? Just curious. And, I really do glad that you left me
alone. I guess that was all good for now, right?

An e-card from Caverns of Blood:

Chris has sent you an eCard!
You can pick it up at the following address:

Sponsored in part by

Sender IP:


And this one from his "other" email address:

From: (WebMaster)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 23:17:07 -0400
Subject: Your Blogs


Chris aka HauntMaster already knew that you posted something bad about
him and stuff like that... He laughed so harder... He said Go fuck
yourself! He will never forget all about you, and also, he will remember
who you are and anybody else, ever! He said still remember don't fuck
with Chris' Day!

I never blogged about him on HauntSPace. Pete would probably back me on it since he hates him too, but I wouldn't cause that kind of stir over there. I did blog about it on Myspace though. He's such an idiot. He's also been allowed to come back to forum, which PISSED me off with the admin there. But, I just found out yesterday that he's been banned again from the afterlife forums, which made me chuckle a bit after reading the posts there. One of the guys whose posts and pics he stole joined up and busted him. Realm_Smile

I believe he signed my email address up for Sunday night. He got kicked off the Haunted House forums, then came back with yet another screen name and I made a post directed at him. He's such a loser.

I'm just about ready to launch another campaign against him though. Just gotta get my ducks in a row with everything else I'm working on first. It's funny how he just can't stop with me and that he's probably getting more and more angry every time I don't respond. Hehe...

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