********** From here on out, to make it easier to figure out the conversation a bit better, the moron is in green, and my responses are tan.****************
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Ask, and ye shall receive. Kinda.
Several people have asked me to forward the emails that I've received from the dude who pissed me off, mainly because it's just plain funny to read some of his rantings. I got them all organized into several emails including all the headers, but it's still just a LOT to try to send out and for them to try to read. So, I'm just clipping the headers and posting them all here, color coded between his nonsense (green) and my replies (gray). If you're not interested in reading them, please leave the blog area now.
A little background first, it will help when trying to read the email snips:
Last year, when "haunt master" decided to post DeadSpider's "Hemlock Dench" as HIS creation on The Halloween Nation Forums, I joined up there and set them straight on WHO it was that actually made the cemetery groundskeeper at DeadSPider's request. He edited his post.
From there, I already had a bullseye on him, watching for any more new posts of stuff he's "stolen" I didn't keep a very good eye on him, and I didn't read any older posts by him. One day, I noticed he posted this:
You can see my posts thereafter on that subject. That's when I decided to look into his other posts, and started finding all sorts of lies when I noticed the member names on the Photobucket accounts he was posting pictures from.
The whole war basically started here when I called him out on this forum in these threads:
This one is particularly funny now that the real owner of the picture was made aware of what "hauntmaster" was doing. It's all over several boards now.
The next morning, I received these two e-cards from Caverns of Blood:
Subject: eCard from HalloweenCom!
HalloweenCom has sent you an eCard!
You can pick it up at the following address:
Sponsored in part by http://www.SinisterSpace.com/
Subject: eCard from Freaken Jack!
Freaken Jack has sent you an eCard!
You can pick it up at the following address:
Sponsored in part by http://www.SinisterSpace.com/
So, as you may have seen on the NalloweenNation forum, I told him I won't argue on the forum, and posted my email address for him to contact me with anything he might want to say. I then received an email, and the rest are all emails that went back and forth between us over the couple of days that he wanted to keep it up:
Subject: Your message from Halloween Nation.
Ok, Ghostess,
You gave me your email address out to me, so I m sending you this
message to discuss about the problem. Ok, honesty, I didn t threaten you
or caused flaming like that. I believe some one did to you. I got few
emails from other haunters talked out to me about you, your user name,
and also, other people like you. I told them that it was ok for them to
watch all over me and our Halloween.com board, just let them go. They
kept tattling on you and other members that got away from Halloween.com
board. Again, I told them not to mind them, leave them alone.
Now, if you have any problems with me or anyone else, talk to me.
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
What I have a problem with Chris, is your posting of pictures all over the boards and claiming they are yours. That is plagiarism at the worst, and just plain LYING at the least. You take the credit for these props and displays, and you are not the one who MADE them. You do this on a regular basis, which leads me to think you either cannot help it or you just plain do not care.
I have already contacted the admins of the Halloween.com board and the Afterlife forums and sent them the links to the ecards you sent me via the Caverns of Blood site as well as contacted the owner of the Caverns so that he can further investigate. IP addresses are wonderful things when they are logged. I will also be contacting the Internet Terrorism Unit of the FBI since you decided to make threats to my personal safety and to my life.
Please remember that I am not the only one who is watching you. Like I said, the haunting and Halloween community is very extensive and VERY close knit and we watch out for each other. I have heard from other people that you have threatened them as well when you were called out on your fraudulent posting. You can either STOP and fade silently into the back ground... or you can keep up the charade and bring on your threats and profane language. One way or the other, this will stop.
And by the way, The Halloween.com members that left because of you have nothing to do with this. You are the one who started it, you are the one who got busted, and YOU are the one who keeps it going with your lies.
Have a nice day.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
Ok, I do understand. And, I will step back silently. I will not come
back to post any more threads anywhere while you are there on any
forums. Thats all right with you?
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
I do not care if you post. I do care if you post pictures that are NOT YOURS. When you post pictures that are NOT YOURS, you should be notating WHO they belong to, or WHAT SITE you found them on and post a link to that person or site or give some information on WHO they pictures belong to.
LYING is wrong. Taking credit and praise for other people's work is WRONG.
I will continue to correct every single post that I find that you have made with other people's pictures. Those people DESERVE to be represented correctly. You can either apologize on those threads when I do it and make yourself look better, or you can continue to attack me. I am not the one who is wrong, you are and we all know it.
THREATENING people is WRONG. You are the one at fault, Chris. Your reputation is growing and not in a good way. I have had a lot of communications lately about you with other people. We all have screen captures and other proof of your threats. Do not threaten me again. DO not deny that it was you, because we ALL know it was you.
I am one of the nicest people that you would ever meet in this community. I have NEVER had a problem with anyone in the Halloween/Haunting community, and normally, I would NEVER confront someone in a public way; however, when I see all that you have done over the past few years and all that you continue to do, I had enough. You have been called out. I am not stupid. I will not sit still and watch you steal pictures any longer. I will not sit still and read your threats. The next move is yours. Move wisely.
Have a nice day.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
Ok, I do understand. Not only I did steal their pics, but I asked their
permission and they gave me consent. And also, I shouldnt say they re my
pics. I think I can go ahead and delete some pics from any posts if that
is cool with you. And I didnt even mean to threat some people because
they made me nervous. Sorry about that.
By the way, I will not continue to argue with you, and I will not cause
any more problems between me and you, ok? Why not let everything go, and
be cool ourselves? Can you work out with me please? I hope we will solve
our problems this time.
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
Don't you mean that you did NOT ask their permission? I have contacted most of the people whose pictures you posted. NONE of them knew that you did that, and NONE of them were happy about it.
I will not let this go. You can delete and edit all you want, but I have screen captures of everything, so it doesn't change the fact that you lied. The only way this will ever be resolved is if you OWN UP to what you did and apologize publicly for it on ALL of the forums that you have lied on and DO NOT make the mistake of posting in that manner again.
Again, the ball is in your court, and I am watching.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Your message from Halloween Nation.
Ok, I do understand. Again, I will not go ahead and post any more pics
that are mine, or say anything like they re my own pic or equipment. I
will not do this again, alright?
So I will go on and make appropriate posts from now and on... I will not
ask anyone to allow me copy and paste their photos anymore at all,
unless I have to post their names along with pics that they are credited
for... Does it sound good to you?
l didn't reply to his last post with that subject line again. So, a little while after the first round of emails, he starts another round.
Subject: Just a question
Hi Ghostess,
I am not here to bother you, but just asking you a question.
For instance, if you see any of my posts along with photos, and you
always run over my post and reply to my post to claim that all photos
are not mine, correct?
And also, if you see any threads that was made by me without photos, you
will not care and will not reply, right? Just curious. Because I dont
know what kind of person you are, and I dont know about your ways, you
understand? So, are you always familiar with other haunt boards, and the
haunt members as well?
Subject: Re: Just a question
I only said that a few were NOT yours. Most of them I will only state who the pictures actually belong to, unless you specifically said it was YOURS.
If you aren't posting pictures or claiming things that are not true, I will not bother with you. I am an honorable person, and I am only out to set the record straight.
By the way, why are you telling everyone you live in VA? It shows me here that you're in Kansas or close to that.
Ghostess Deanna
I should have skipped the last sentence. It kinda made him seem nervous though in later emails... like he doesn't want me snooping around on him. And I forgot to add part in that email, so I sent another one right after:
Subject: Re: Just a question
And I am very familiar with the haunt boards and the members.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Just a question
Actually, I m from VA. Not KS, or anywhere close to town. Where did you
see that Im from KS?
BTW, I do understand about the pics that you do know theyre mine or not
mine either. OK, let you know that I do travel out of states some of the
times, not always do I travel far away. I hope for your understanding.
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Just a question
The internet is an interesting thing.
Ghostess Deanna
So, then he sends two more emails, to which I did not respond.
Subject: Re: Just a question
Ok, thats very interesting you are familiar with all haunt boards. Me
too! Some of the haunt boards that Ive been banned because of minor
reasons like caused flaming, cussing at each others, and made small
threats against anyone. I know it was all my fault that I shouldn t have
done like this way because of my temper, you know? And also, I am sick
type person, you know, I m not feeling good... I m pretty sick because
of my blood disorder, and I have to take easy myself because of what my
doctor told me to do so.
And also, only a few haunt boards allowed me back in for the second
chance, and warned me not to do any more vulgar language or threats
please. So I won t have to do it anymore, and I have to play nice. For
other reasons, mostly haunt boards refused letting me back for good, I
mean forever! Well, it is all up to the owners of the boards. Even, not
only about my languages and threats, they were pretty upset because of
numerous of their pics that I posted to be mine.
Subject: Re: Just a question
I see. Ok, well, From now and on, I will not ask anyone, their pics to
post it as myself, like my own ones, I mean, I should have to post their
pics with their credit names on it, so the way they will know its their
own pics, not mine. If I ever find a cool haunt pic which is NOT really
mine, and I should have to post and state that I found this on the
internet somewhere from the haunt board or via Google.
The entire time he was scrambling and sending emails, I was searching all his posts across the internet and diggin up info on him.
So, apparently the forum owner of Halloween Nation, Vlad, either saw what was going on, or "hauntmaster" PMed him about me. In any case, Vlad sent "hauntmaster" a PM, so "hauntmaster" decided to use that and emailed me:
Subject: A message from Vlad
Vlad has sent me a message about the arguement between me and you needed
to be over. We have to be friend, and play nice, right?
He also told me he doesnt care whose pics I posted there on the board,
so he wanted us to stop arguing please. Can we work something out? I
hope we can be cool off .
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
That's interesting. He sent me a message too and that's not what he said to me. PMs are private, and I will not discuss mine with you. And for the record, I am not arguing with you ON the forum. That is EXACTLY why I posted my email address for you to email me.
Ghostess Deanna
Incidentally, this is what transpired between me and Vlad via PM:
Re: HauntMaster
ghostess wrote on 01-21-2008 07:23 AM:
I would like to show you what I received from "HauntMaster" via the Caverns Of Blood site after I called him on his fraudulent posts:
On this one, he tried to throw me off using the owner of Halloween.com's name:
And this one is just plain stupid:
I've been studying him quite a bit, I know his style of writing, and I can assure you that those are from him. I also know that every time someone calls him on something, he does this exact thing.
I just wanted you to be aware of what he does offlist.
Thank you,
Hi Deanna,
The links just brought up the cob website, but I can imagine.
Hopefully it wasn't so horrible where he needs banned.
Thank god for members like you who help add great content and offset crap that others will put out there.
If he gets to be too much of a pain I think there's an "ignore member" button around here somewhere.
And this is his second message to me, including "hauntmaster's" message to Vlad:
...I think he's some kid/teen that got busted, not some adult psycho who'll hunt you down
Here's what I sent him and his reply.
Re: arguing
Vlad wrote on 01-21-2008 07:31 PM:
I don't know if the images you post claiming to be you/yours are or not.
I don't care really either.
BUT if they're not and someone calls you on it, you should stand up and say so, or just quit doing it.
Please don't get into arguments on my forum though.
Ok, I do understand. I will not argue with a member named Ghostess. I have to close this arguement between me and her. I already emailed her today, and we are still working out. I try to be friend with her. Thank you for letting me know.
More emails:
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
Ok, I see. So, why not we get along do well? Let s be friends, at least.
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
I prefer to remain acquaintances, thank you.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
Acquaintances? What do you want to know? Are you trying to say that we
need to get know each other?
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
Acquaintances - you know, people who know who the other person is, but don't KNOW them personally and are not friends.
I'd prefer to not get to know you. I know enough already.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: A message from Vlad
Ok, I do understand. If you do not wish to get know about me, then that
is fine.
Well, I do like some pics of yours that you made for last Halloween. You
created most of the awesome props! Good work, Ghostess!
Anyway, I wish to make the one you did good job for the graveyard, I
think cemetery yard of your house. I love it!
He's got to be KIDDING me! Like compliments will dissuade me from my quest! Ha! I'm just waiting to see when my pictures will start floating around.
So, he can't get enough of me and is trying to draw me out, I guess trying to make me slip up and say something I shouldn't. *yawn* He's boring me.
Subject: Curious
Are you still looking over my posts or not?? Why can t you stop doing
this like that?? Looks like you are not my friend... I know you do not
wish to be a friend of me, right?
When are we going to end all over the discussions in any haunt boards? I
mean, the game is over!!!
But, understand that I am trying to be friendly with you, but I think
you can t or won t?
Subject: Re: Curious
I won't lie to you. Yes, I am still watching you, still going over your posts and correcting your lies. I will continue to do it on every single forum that you're on. I do not want to be your friend.
The game? I didn't realize I was playing a game. You are the one who makes sport of telling lies and spamming forums. I thought it quite odd that YOU were the one who was telling everyone about "Ghostman" on the Halloween.com forum, when in fact, YOU ARE GHOSTMAN. What I can't believe, and find really very sad, is that they actually believed you. You are a pathological liar who likes to play games on forums and mess with people's minds. The more I read, the more I pity you.
Chris, you can either come clean on the sites that you're on when I post about your mistakes. Or you can continue to post lies and email me trying to get me to be your friend and stop what I'm doing. Either way, you're going to lose the "game" you're playing.
And by the way, that "cop" you threatened, is a friend of mine.
Ghostess Deanna
***(MY mention of the "cop" is a reference to another of "hauntmaster's" mortal enemies, Scream Haunt (owner of the HauntSpace and HalloweenTrade sites, see the KicktheFog.com forums for a synopsis of their battles, under the "Ghostman" titled threads.)
Subject: Re: Curious
So, when are you going to stop watch over me and my post? Also, when are
you going to leave me alone since you didnt want to be a friend?
And also, did you happen to support other haunters to watch out on me,
or anything like that? Yes, I got some information that someone is
watchin all over me, no matter what or when. I m getting sick of people
who do that to me.
Subject: Re: Curious
The REASON people are watching you is YOUR fault. YOU are the one who is CONSTANTLY telling lies, misrepresenting yourself, spamming forums, stealing internet pictures, threatening people with violence and/or death, and getting banned from almost every place you join.
I told you already we haunters, the REAL haunters who actually HAVE haunts and actually MAKE our own props and DISPLAY our props and don't run around LYING about it are a VERY tight community. We are EVERYWHERE watching you.
YOU threatened me. When you did that, you opened up this can of worms. YOU are the one who started my campaign to expose you for the fraud that you are. To quote you from your thread about FangsofBlood with the poll on whether to let YOURSELF back on the forum with that name, "You can run, but you can't hide."
Have a nice day. I know I will.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Curious
Yes, I know that. They re still watching me, but if I join any newest
haunt boards with good different user name, and they will not think they
are dumb enough, can you tell me how??? I don t understand.
BTW, I believe someone once told me that the owner, Overlord from
Halloween L forum had refused to give me a chance to come back on his
forum again, so if I decide to re register his board again, and he will
seek legal action against me so I had to stay away.
Subject: Re: Curious
Why on earth would I tell you how we always know it's you?
Chris, you might THINK I am just a dumb little blonde woman, but you are very much mistaken. You will not be able to "play" me like you have other people.
When hell freezes over, I might just find something else to do other than watch your every move on the forums.
And by the way, is your mention of coming to FLorida your idea of a threat? You don't scare me one bit.
Ghostess Deanna
*** He made a little comment on the Halloween.com forum in the "weather" thread that I took as a veiled threat:
Then he got off topic for a bit with another subject line:
Subject: Got a question 4 you!
Just curious... you ve been online just like all day, night... do you
have a job? Are you staying at home mom?
BTW, you ve known me everywhere on the haunt boards... maybe it was ALL
my fault that I sent you the names of all haunt boards when you were a
member of my topsites, correct?
Subject: Re: Got a question 4 you!
What difference does it make? I could be at work right now. The internet is everywhere these days. Everyone I know is on the internet practically all day long. Maybe I have a job where I watch people all day. You just never know about people online, who they really are, what they really do.
And your pathetic little list did not tell me where you were. Anyone with a brain and fingers can use Google, Chris. Besides, I join forums to share my love of Halloween and Horror, my projects and my knowledge, not to spam them with an affiliate program garbage and inappropriate posts.
Ghostess Deanna
****** As a small offhand note... I know many people who surf forums all day when they are at work. I think a lot of people these days that work on computers can do that kind of thing. When I worked for the local hockey team, that's pretty much all we did all day in the office. I think he's trying to draw out info on me. What a goon.
Now he's back to the other thread from before:
Subject: Re: Curious
No, I don t come to FL to threat you, no way... I was only kidding to
scare you, that s it. Same thing, I did threat some body else too... I
really didnt mean to go hit or kill them, I mean, I really wanted to see
how scary they are, or to see how tough they are. Well, mostly people
arent scared of me, hee hee....
Subject: Re: Curious
I will tell you again, Chris, I do not like to be threatened. You caused Larry to shut down the Caverns of Blood e-cards site with your inappropriate use of it. You made it so that I am looking into the legal ramifications of your threats. It is illegal, Chris, to make threats via the internet. Did you think you would really get away with it?
Do not threaten me again, do not kid around with threatening me. DO not make veiled threats. You do not scare me, and you only make it worse for yourself.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: Curious
I am not going to threat you again, and I will not go to send you any
abusive language because this time, I am going to leave you along. I
will not kid around with anything.
i let you have a wonderful, and big nice day with other haunt boards.
Have fun and take care of yourself! ;)
That's it for that day. More about the next day in the next batch of emails. He didn't keep to his stupid word about leaving me "along"...lol
I called him out on more boards. He must have been upset. boo hoo.
Subject: Check with you!
Hey Ghostess,
Why did you keep up with my posts all over haunt boards??? Why can't you
ignore me? Why can't you leave me and my posts alone? Can't you give
everything up yourself? You seemed you really want me to get kicked off
all of the haunt boards, or what? What did you have in your mind???
BTW, looks like you don't work at your own job because you've been
online all day and night, just like you are sitting at home do noithing,
Subject: Re: Check with you!
Chris, you are indeed a sad little man. Do you not understand what I said before? I will continue to point out every single false post you have made until I find every single one of them. I told you already that you can either apologize PUBLICLY for them when I point them out ON THAT FORUM for everyone to see.... or you can continue your pathetic little charade. It's all up to you.
It is not MY fault that you seem to lack the intelligence to type your own posts without having to COPY and PASTE someone else's post and STEAL other people's pictures.
And you don't seem to realize that for some people, being on a computer all day long and sometimes all night long, IS THEIR JOB. Some people, like network security administrators, DO THEIR JOB on a computer. Some people have jobs that REQUIRE them to be on the computer. You have NO CLUE what I do all day and night these days, and it is driving you crazy. The LAST thing I do, is sit around all day doing nothing.
Nice job, by the way, of removing all those posts on the FearScene forum. I hope Millie found my PM to her entertaining.
Have a GREAT day, I know I will.
Ghostess Deanna
**** He is a freaking MOD at the fearscene forums. I posted about his posts, and he removed my posts, then I reposted again, several times, and he was frantically working to remove them as fast as I could post. He finally just removed his original post and the whole threads altogether. I believe he even somehow deleted my PM to Millie before she could read it.
Then he sent me message through an email service that I can't check the IP on, using a fake email and name. I replied to it straight to his cerlists@webtv.net address.
Subject: HauntMaster and You?
Whoa! You and Him always fight each other everywhere on the halloween
boards! Can't believe it what you've done with him! Keep up good job to
get rid of him!
He was last seen on other boards as well.
Haunted House Chicago http://www.hauntedhousechicago.com
Haunted Wisconsin http://www.hauntedwisconsin.com
Haunt Forum http://www.hauntforum.com
http://www.fastmail.fm - mmm... Fastmail...
Subject: Re: HauntMaster and You?
Chris, how smart do you think you are exactly? You've sent me an ecard
through Caverns of Blood a few months ago using this very identity. Please,
stop making yourself look even more foolish than you already are. It's a
waste of your time.
Have a nice day.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: ASL e-card!
Hello! Dee dee,
You have received an ASL e-card from a friend!
Please point to http://www.deafresources.com/card/store/1080125085900.htm to get your E-CARD!
Your card will be held for 15 days.
This service is provided by Deaf Resources, ASL products for people involved in Deaf Education, ASL, Interpreters and those interested in the Deaf Community and Culture.
Our website: http://www.deafresources.com
Send a Free ASL ecard: http://www.deafresources.com/card
Subject: Re: ASL e-card!
Again, Chris, do you really think you are that smart?
Find something else to do with your time. Why don't you try actually MAKING a prop instead of stealing someone else's picture.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: HauntMaster and You?
Please stop blaming on me!!!!! Please stop emailing me anymore, or else
I will file a report against you via IP service. I'm getting tired of
you, dumb blond bitch!!!!
And also, you posted in comment something against me from my topsites,
and I want it stopped!!!!! I don't want to hear from you anymore, I
don't want see you anywhere on all haunt boards if you post my
messages!!!! Fuck you!!!!
This is my last email to send you periodically!
Subject: Re: HauntMaster and You?
Is that a threat again, Chris? I am not the one who keeps sending emails and stupid messages pretending to be someone else. That would be YOU doing it. You have NOTHING to report about me. I am not the one using vulgar language and threats. I didn't post any comments in your top sites about YOU. I could care less about your topsites that you spam other forums with. I haven't used ANY profanity. I haven't used ANY threats. I haven't LIED about anything.
Once YOU stop sending me stupid crap pretending to be someone else, I will stop sending you replies about it. If ANYONE has a reason to REPORT someone, it's ME with a reason to report YOU.
YOU are the one who gets yourself kicked off of forums with your lies. It only takes one person to catch the lie, and you are exposed for the whole world to see. It's all YOUR fault, not mine.
People are sick of you. I'm not the only one, and you know it. We ALL want you to get off the forums. We ALL are sick of your lies.
And by the way, "periodically" means "sometimes". Learn how to use proper grammar if you're going to try to use big words.
Have a nice day.
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: eCard from Maccio!
Maccio has sent you an eCard!
You can pick it up at the following address:
Sponsored in part by http://www.SinisterSpace.com/
Sender IP:
Subject: Re: eCard from Maccio!
Nice work, it logs your IP address now. Thanks, who's the dumb one?
Ghostess Deanna
Subject: Re: eCard from Maccio!
Let me tell you how this works...
You leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone.
If you can't leave me alone, I'll continue to bother you. Do you
Subject: Re: eCard from Maccio!
Let me explain something to you.
I'm not the one sending stupid crap under different aliases. I'm not the one who is cursing and pretending to be someone else. The only time YOU get anything from ME is when I reply to one of your stupid little ecards or messages. I don't even address YOU on the forums, I just say that the pictures are not YOURS. Anything posted after that is merely discussion between me and other forum members ABOUT your lies.
I'm not running around hiding behind another name. I'm not sending threats to you. I'm not LYING about anything. If you want to continue this game, please do. Otherwise, go and surf your deviant sex forums and leave me alone. Better yet, why don't you go do something constructive and take an English class.
Have a nice day.
Ghostess Deanna
Now, the next two were from yesterday and the day before,
I never replied to either of them.
I think it makes him even more angry when I don't engage him.
Kinda like a 4 year old.
I hadn't even been posting anything about him on the haunt boards since last week.
Subject: Fucked up mind!
Something has been fucked up in your brain! You wished me getting kicked
off any of all haunt boards at all, so you will be more fucking
happier!!! Right???
NO Subject:
Hey Blond Bitchie!
Are you trying to get me into trouble again and again, huh??? Don't you
dare try to me!!! I know you are getting so excited to have me banned
from everywhere for good! Someone would have you killed for sure!!!!
And there ya go, everything from the past week from this loser. He can be quite entertaining sometimes.
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